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Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Department

The department has six main areas of training comprising;

  1. Mechanical engineering[production option]
  2. Mechanical engineering[plant option]
  3. Automotive engineering
  4. Agricultural engineering
  5. Welding and fabrication technology
  6. Technical drawing
  7. Agricultural Macinery & Equipment Mechatronics(LEVEL 5)

The courses offered in these sections ranges from Higher National Diploma, Diploma ,Craft, Artisan and Government Trade Test  levels.

Following below is a brief description of each course:


This section has modern  machines that can be used for training purposes and trainees  are exposed to a variety of practical lessons from the start of their studies up to the time they exit from their courses. The trainees are attached to various industries in the country so as to expose them to real work situations before they graduate. Graduates from this section can be absorbed or employed in Government ministries ,Educational institutions ,Production engineering  factories and they can also be self-employed. Such trainees after graduation can also be employed as Instructors in T.T.I’s  and  Vocational  institutes after being trained as trainers at Kenya Technical Trainers College [KTTC].

Automotive  Engineering Section

Trainees  are exposed to a variety of practical lessons from the start of their studies up to the time they exit from their courses. The trainees are attached to various industries in the country so as to expose them to real work situations before they graduate. Graduates from this section can be absorbed or employed in Government ministries ,Educational institutions ,Production engineering  factories and they can also be self-employed. Such trainees after graduation can also be employed as Instructors in T.T.I’s  and  Vocational  institutes after being trained as trainers at Kenya Technical Trainers College [KTTC].

The section is in the process of acquiring modern training equipment and setting up  a Driving school.

Agriculture  Engineering Section

The following Courses  are offered in this section;

1 .Craft certificate in agriculture mechanics

2.Diploma in agriculture engineering

These courses entails:

I . Farm implements and machines

  1. Learning of power mechanics i.e heavy duty machines

iii. Metal work production

  1. Engineering science and mathematics
  2. Technical drawing

The graduates of these courses are entitled to be employed in;

a .Agriculture industry

  1. Motor vehicles and farm machinery workshops

c . As trainers in technical institutes.

Welding and Fabrication Section

Welding an fabrication is a very useful course in all fields of engineering and it gives trainees skills in joining of various engineering components during repair and fabrications. Graduates can work in all types of industries let alone being self employed. The course involves the use of electricity and gas for carrying out all fabrications and repair work in factories , and  Jua kali industries.

Mechanical Engineering[ Plant Option] Section

This is a general area where trainees are trained  to maintain service and repair factory machines. The trainees undergo a vigorous training in the use of factory equipment as machine operators and maintenance officers.

Technical Drawing Section.

This is also a general area of training which covers all the training sections in the department. This section imparts trainees with skills in sketching and designing of all types of engineering components that are used in machines and equipment in all fields. Trainees will be able to work as drafts men and can work anywhere in the engineering sector.  They can also be employed as designers .All trainees undertaking engineering courses have to   undertake the technical drawing course.