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Performance Contracting  is an yearly event that occurs between the Government of Kenya and Kitale National Polytechnic. Every Financial year the Polytechnic signs an agreement with the National Government to achieve the various key indicators as annual targets: that’s Corruption Reduction , offering Internship to youth , promotion of Local Content in Procurement  & Offering Procurement Opportunities to People Living With Disabilities(PWDs), Disability Mainstreaming :- provision of Sign language Interpreter and other , Gender Mainstreaming, Prevention of HIV infections, National Cohesion and Values, National Industrial Attachment Scheme, Implementation of Presidential Directives, Implementation of the “BIG FOUR Agenda” , Resolution of Public complaint and Financial  Stewardship and Discipline  spearheaded through the Performance Contracting and Coordination office through a Consultative forum involving  MDAs and other relevant holders.

The Polytechnic is now on its 11th year under Performance Contracting .  In the FY 2010/2011 the Polytechnic was ranked no 6 Country wide in the Categories of Institutions. The Polytechnic started Performance contracting while still a Technical Institution and then transited to a National Polytechnic in the year 2016 but still running the Performance Contracting program. The fruits of the program ( performance Contracting ) has been realized by the Polytechnic. That’s in field of Infrastructure, Academics and Extra curriculum Activities.

I urge the Government to Continue sustaining the program through regular training of the Performance Contracting Coordinator and Supporting the various Government bodies to run the program.